Friday 9 December 2016

Protecting College Students From Bombs Threats

There is need to ensure safety and well being of college students. It is important to provide the necessary infrastructure and education facilities with an aim of creating a positive learning environment in colleges. In recent times death threats, including bomb threats, and other types of violence have been made against college students. The threats are at times provide details including the specific place where the bomb may explode or leave no details. This excerpt will examine how to protect college students from bomb threats and still maintain good grades.
In case of bomb threats in colleges, law enforcement authorities should immediately evacuate the affected areas without causing the students to panic. The law enforcement authorities should further investigate the affected areas and take further precautions to protect people who live in and around the school. The college staff, the students and the public should be extra vigilant and report any suspicious behaviors, packages, and notes around the college.
There should be an effective preparedness training program in every college. This training should offer processes and procedures to address and support the continuation of learning and protection of staff, faculty, and the students in the wake of a bomb threat or any other crisis situation. Such a training program should entail adequate counseling and infrastructures that will promote networks of support to promote wellness in colleges and their environs. Necessary resources should be attained and time allotted for the development and implementation of employee emergency preparedness program. Plans that ensure continuity must be formulated to ensure the viability of every type of resources that colleges will need use during the threat including enough facilities, the safety of staff members, and informational technology systems. The plan should be updated and continuously used to train employees from time to time.
Emergency-preparedness training programs will prepare leaders and employees to react to bomb threats as calmly as possible. When a college has to react to a bomb threat a plan will allow people to respond more effectively. The plan should show the procedures that an individual should follow in dealing with a bomb threat in a college.
There should be a team in every college whose objective will be ensuring preparedness, awareness and mitigation of bomb threats. The team should be engaged in the creation of awareness among the students and the school community and the promotion of activities that will ensure there is preparedness against bomb threats and mitigation of the impacts of these threats. The team should act as emergency team during its regular practice. On addition, the team should be divided into sub-teams according to the requirements of different hazards in the college.
The seriousness with which any bomb threat should be handled should depends on the on how it is conveyed. If the threat is conveyed by a person who has a history of making such pronouncement this threat should be taken more seriously. The students should report such threats to the security authorities even though those claims might seem to be jokes.
Bomb threats can have adverse effects to any college, these effects range from stopping the normal school program, loss of many and property to serious injuries among students, and death. It is important for the security personnel to put in place plans that should be aimed at mitigating and handle this threats in an effective manner. On addition, proper communication systems and security facilities should be installed in every college.

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